Derek Piquette and I got off to a rocky start back when he was cast on Season 12 of So You Think You Can Dance: Stage vs. Street. I spoiled much of the Top 20 cast and he blocked me on Twitter immediately. We laugh about it to this day, but the reason why he blocked me is valid. I would have done the same thing. I was so happy we shared the story on-camera because we discussed it privately a few years ago.
Derek has a bigger story to share, though. Some of it was heard during his Season 3 run on World of Dance, but there is more to hear and think about. Dance educators need to take a closer listen and realize that overtraining and poor educational techniques are harming our young dancers. Derek's story needs to be amplified over and over again because he's not the only one facing surgery at such a young age.
Watch the interview and share your thoughts. How can the dance industry improve its dance education techniques?
Before you go, check out my interview with Dancing with the Stars New Zealand judge, Julz Tocker, to get your DWTS fix.
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